Rowa ROWAphos 1000 ml Dose


Lieferzeit: innerhalb 3-5 Tagen lieferbar

2 vorrätig

Artikelnummer: RW1 Kategorie:


corresponds to € 34.90 per 1000 grams

Product information „RowaPhos“

For removing phosphate in fresh and marine water

In freshwater and saltwater aquariums, ROWA®phos
successfully combats the main cause of algae problems:

Phosphate (PO4)

As a highly effective active ingredient concentrate, it helps to reduce the excess phosphate caused by feed input and decomposition processes in aquariums to a natural level.

To prevent an accumulation of phosphate (PO4) in the decoration and substrate, ROWA®phos should be used as soon as possible when setting up a new pool.

ROWA®phos …

• extremely high binding capacity
• small space requirement
• quickly visible results in the case of phosphate- related
„algae plague“
• no change in pH value
• reduced silicate (SiO2)
• no release of pollutants
• no release of aluminum as possible with alumina-based products
• avoids phosphate-related impairment of lime synthesis with red lime algae, stone corals etc.

Package sizes:

100 g can including filter sock: for 200 – 400 l fresh water or 100 – 200 l sea water

250 g can including filter sock: for 500 – 1000 l fresh water or 250 – 500 l sea water

500 g can without filter sock: for 1000 – 2000 l fresh water or 500 – 1000 l sea water

1000 g can without filter sock: for 2000 – 4000 l fresh water or 1000 – 2000 l sea water

5 kg bucket only for dealers‘ own needs




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Hersteller Kontakte

ROWA Aquaristik GmbH
Heinrich-Hasemeier-Str. 33 D-49076 Osnabrück
 Tel. +49 (0) 541 – 91333-50 Fax +49 (0) 541 – 91333-66 – Made in Germany



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